If the warning is unsuccessful, the next step can be taken: the lawyer contacts Amazon directly.
Since reviews and ratings must be related to buying experience and must adhere to guidelines, the lawyer can inform Amazon about rating / review's violation of the review guidelines.
However, the violation only applies to formally inappropriate or fraudulent contributions. If you consider the evaluation received as "unfair", it is therefore not sufficient as a reason.
When are there review guidelines violated?
A guideline review violation occurs when:
-A review was faked
- Opinions of people / companies who have a commercial interest in rating their own product (or if third parties are commissioned to submit ratings)
- Spiteful statements
- Obscene / tasteless content
- Information on the availability of the product, the price or alternative ordering / shipping options
-Content / material of third parties (Phone numbers, email addresses, URLs)
-Included advertising / advertising material in the review / evaluation
Costs: For the 1st and 2nd step we charge a flat fee of EUR 200.